Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

a year away from published any news...hahaha...lazy me

as salam,

i donno why im published this post...im not feeling well...demam+ batuk+ lelah+ selsema..tired n exhauted coz away frm home for three days...traveled by a bus...rombongan cik kiah ke kolumpo...tobat dah xkose naik bas....luckily me, i still got few best buddies to hang out at kl...thnx guys...or ladies i think...hahahaa...enjoy an evening gathering at mid vel...our lepak place since we r um's ... scene cirit birit di midvel..horrors ahhh.... luckily nobody know me at that toilet...hahahahaha...triple dashing to toilet..thumbsup for ticer rosma..bahana makan pil herba cina for detox...teringt time um, time berlari ke toilet kes diet minum teh org kg...hahahah..hangouts for few hours at kenny rogers...eating milky coronets n creammy puffs at papa beard....friendship forever frenz...

so this demam make me mc for a day...if not ciz of load of works...ai think i will get a few days of mc...honestly...this was terible demam i ever had...pray to get well soon...aminn...so enjoy a few pics durring evening gossiping with penco at papa beard...n also my mini pavlova...
*i had ate pavlova dat suggested penco at delicious...but i think mine is better...hahaha...tensen ngn cashier berlagak at delicious...malay yg sombong to a malay...budus...

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