Saturday, June 20, 2009

wedding manias...

pink + blue + yellow rossette
ordered by my best buddy ~ cik mah

100 pcs wedding doorgifts

1500 pcs wedding doorgifts
ordered by kak mazita smk sultan ahmad

green theme wedding doofgifts

sweet white rossette

sample of wedding doorgifts

flower is in middle of my heart..hehehe..fuhh..

16 pcs fondant green + white roses
also ordered by kak mazita smk sultan ahmad
tqvm....selamat pengantin baru...

100 pcs simple wedding cuppies
ordered by kak ju smkbelara

gold theme's fondant wedding cuppies

30 pcs gold fondant wedding cuppies
ordered by kak ju smkbelara
fly away to kl...not kubang lembek ye..hehehehe


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